Stan Rauch, Manager

By just about any standard of measurement, the just completed 52nd Annual Steam Threshing Jamboree was a big success. Judging by the large number of comments received, and observations made, it was indeed an exceptionally good one. We had a large number of people on hand for the event, especially on Saturday. I personally have never seen that many people on the Saturday of a Jamboree.

We couldn’t have been more fortunate with regard to the weather considering the original forecast for rain on Saturday that did not materialize until later that night after the big Outlaw Tractor Pull was over.

There were 240 Hart-Parr Oliver tractors registered for this Hart-Parr Oliver Collectors Association National Show. The national organization and the Great Plains Oliver Collectors here in South Dakota were certainly pleased with how it all went and for the hospitality of the Madison community. There were a large number of other makes of tractors also that combined for around a thousand tractors being at the event.

The Jamboree pie contest winners were: first, Ruth Overby of Mellette, SD with her rhubaberry pie, second Dana Hanson of Nunda with her chocolate French silk pie, and third, JoAnn Rostyne of Madison with her cran-apple pie.

Next year the August 28-30 Jamboree will feature Ford-Ferguson Tractors, Trucks and Cars.

Now that the Jamboree is over we are transitioning directly into the Labor Day weekend camping. We expect a goodly number of campers but we will still have plenty of sites available.

Although we close for the season on Labor Day, camping at the village will be available through September and into early October. There is a user friendly self check-in station by the gift shop.

We do have one more event this season and that is the Pumpkin Train on Saturday October 4. This is a highly popular event, especially with the kids as they ride the train to our pumpkin patch to pick their pumpkins to take home.

We have had an exceptionally good season here at Prairie Village. We sincerely thank the many volunteers who do so much to make it all happen. Sincere thanks also to the Madison area business community. The extensive support is greatly appreciated.