Prairie Village News 7/5/16

Faron Wahl, Manager

We’ve been looking back all season at the fascinating 50 years that have unfolded at Prairie Village, and this weekend we’ll arrive at the celebration we’ve been planning for several months.

One has to wonder what things will be like 50 years from now, when folks are looking back at Village images from the time of the 50th anniversary. Clearly the changes we will see in our world in the next 50 years will be blinding in scope compared to everything we’ve witnessed in the past 50.

The speed of technological advancement is exponential. In other words, the pace at which we are advancing multiplies itself with every major step forward. If you think our current world is vastly different from the groundbreaking year of 1966, consider we will advance by that much again in just a fraction of the same lapse of time between now and our 100th. Almost spooky.

By 2066, we will be presenting history, communicating, and entertaining in ways we don’t have the knowledge to dream about today. However this takes form, one thing’s for sure: at the acceleration of advancement we’re about to witness, preserving and understanding our history and how we got here will become all the more critical.

To that end, we hope you’ll join us this weekend for our 50th anniversary celebration along with Railroad Days at the Village. In the spirit of celebrating, there will be no gate admission charged Saturday (regular small fees for rides, etc. still apply). We’ll have carousel rides as well as many kids’ games and miniature train rides around the Village. You’ll be able to tour the Village either in mobile fashion or with a walking guide in full period dress, or sit comfortably for a while in the Opera House and view historic photos and video.

Rick Mills from the South Dakota State Railroad Museum will present “Railroading in Territorial Times”, and we’ll feature all of the railroad fun you’d expect – train, motorcar, and doodlebug rides, plus rail equipment demonstrations and roundhouse tours.

Sunday we’ll continue with all things railroading, as well as services in the Junius church and the Chapel Car Emmanuel. And our always popular hobo stew will be served until it’s gone. Don’t miss it!

Through all of the festivities, don’t miss the 50th commemoration service at 2:00 pm Saturday at the gazebo. This hour will be the focus of the entire celebration, honoring all that has made Prairie Village what it is in 2016, as well as the exciting strides we look to make in the near future.

Please join us this weekend. Check out or find us on Facebook at “Historic Prairie Village” for more details. Come celebrate with us – we’re looking forward to sharing it with you!