Faron Wahl, Manager.
When planning our Opera House concerts and entertainment for each season, we like to think big, stretching ourselves outside the boundaries many folks might think limit us.
This planning begins a full year in advance, as I discuss possibilities for the coming year with Bev, our gift shop manager, administrative assistant, Opera House coordinator, and general multi-hat wearer extraordinaire. I do have to restrain Bev a bit, though, as thinking big to her means only one solution: booking George Strait.
To be clear, I’m all for George Strait. It’s fun to imagine him performing in our humble 280-seat venue. Of course, there are about a dozen reasons that can’t happen. But if I were to announce instead that we booked a near sound-alike to the best-selling band in world history, it might catch one’s attention.
We did just that. Abbey Road, a Beatles tribute band with a fine understanding of the group’s 1964 British invasion of the U.S. music market, is headed our way. This quartet captures the sweeping impact that came with the Beatles phenomenon, and they skillfully reproduce the sounds of the best-selling music artists our country has known.
They’ll be here this weekend, Saturday, July 28 with a performance beginning at 7 pm. These four guys will bring not only a professional sound, they represent for us yet another intentional step in broadening our offerings to a wider audience.
Admittedly, I grew up short of any strong affinity for the Beatles. I was born during their heyday, but by the age when I was buying 45 singles of songs I liked, the Fab Four was a bit past their prime. Many years later my wife, Peggy, ignited my changed appreciation for their music, with Abbey Road providing the spark.
Peggy is two years my junior, but unlike me, she grew up with a taste for Beatles hits (older sisters in high school during the 70’s probably boosted her odds). After we were married she heard Abbey Road a few times and raved about their legitimate sound, so I had to take a listen. She was right – they’re exceptional – and hearing them a few times since has literally changed my viewpoint regarding Beatles history.
Stretching what we can offer in concert settings has its monetary costs, as well as some associated risks. While I play that line carefully, I firmly believe you don’t get anywhere in life without trying new things, thinking outside the box on how one might expand beyond the usual. One way to help span the gap of unknowns typically involved in booking concerts is adding a partner who also sees the larger picture.
In a fresh approach to our concert offerings, I connected with Sioux Valley Energy and East River Electric, asking if they would partner with us in sponsoring part of this concert. Both firms jumped on board, and we are so grateful. In other words, this weekend’s concert is being brought to the community, in part, by East River and Sioux Valley. My heartfelt thanks to them.
Come on out this weekend and join us for a great performance. You’ll want to call our gift shop (256-3644) or stop out between 10-5 daily to purchase seats (just $25.00 reserved or $20.00 general admission). We will offer remaining seats for sale at the door, but it might be wise to get them ahead of time.
See you Saturday!