Stan Rauch, Manager
With the 4th of July holiday coming right up, we will have a large number of campers at the village. Due to having 234 electrical sites we will have plenty of room for everyone that wishes to come out to camp with us this next week.
If you are at the village in the next several days please be aware that fireworks are strictly prohibited. It is vital that the historic buildings be protected from the potential of fire.
We always have a large number of folks come out to the village on 4th of July night to take up a good position to see the fireworks display that is conducted over in the Izaak Walton League area to the west. We certainly welcome everyone taking advantage of this opportunity to enjoy the excellent fireworks.
Our Railroad Days event is coming right up next weekend, July 7 & 8. This is when we showcase our railroad here at the village and provide the opportunity for folks to learn more about various facets of railroading. For a complete schedule of Railroad Days events, check out our website at
One of the two new features at this year’s Railroad Days is the the pizza train at 6 p.m. on Saturday evening. This will be a fun train with Pizza Ranch pizza, bread sticks, pizza dessert and a beverage being served. The cost is $12 for adults and $7 for age 12 and under. The pizza train is by reservation only so give us a call at 256-3644.
The other new event that will be conjunction with Railroad Days is the rock and roll concert by the Something New band in the opera house from 8:00 to 11:00 Saturday evening. The band will be performing a live review of the top rock and roll hits of yesteryear. This is a benefit fundraiser for the continued preservation of our Lawrence Welk Opera House. Admission at the door is $10. We have being seeing a lot of interest in this popular band being at the village on July 7. The members have been together for many years and the band was inducted into the South Dakota Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this past April. This promises to be a truly entertaining concert.