Faron Wahl, Manager
Anyone who has managed an organization (and is honest about it) will tell you their true strength lies in their staff. I can assure you it’s no different at the Village – our employees on the duty lines make this place go. Contrary to old belief, no one else drives the daily operations here; our staff are the engine, and they keep this place humming. I’d like to introduce them.
Derek – We are fortunate to have found our new head of maintenance on a year when the Village of the past bumped into explosive growth of the future. Talk about a guy who can make something out of nothing. Though we don’t own all the resources truly needed to maintain dozens of buildings and oversee a mowing operation that would make your Scott’s lawn rep wince, Derek manages every day to pull something out of his sleeve and make it all happen.
Vince – Every day this man carries many thankless, behind-the-scenes responsibilities, and he does it with a joy we could all take a lesson from. I’ve rarely met anyone so conscientious. If he wasn’t doing his job well, we’d all hear about it in short order. Spending a great deal of his time keeping campers content by hoisting trailer loads of trash barrels, moving picnic tables, and trimming grass with no end in sight, he always leaves a person with a healthy sense that work is a blessing we should be thankful for.
Taylor – Our veteran returning staff member on her third season here, Taylor brings a knowledge of the people and the past flow of things that’s of value when managing the volumes we’re seeing. Being a past Miss Prairie Village is an added bonus, as she brings valuable background to that arena. Taylor is friendly and easy to visit with.
Haley – Like a Champion spark plug, she’s the one that gets things started. Definitely the energy center of the gift shop and grounds, this veteran puts on serious miles and gets one heck of a lot done, remaining friendly all the while. Keeping up with her on her brisk hikes to open and close our plethora of buildings is not for the faint of heart.
Hailea – Phonetically the same as Haley, but in all other ways her own person, Hailea brought a sweet, unassuming manner to us this summer – with an easy smile that’s sure to undo anyone’s bad day. Soft-spoken and kind, her gentle manner belies a fun undercurrent that makes her fit right in with this crowd.
Bev – There’s no easy way to encompass this one. Bev manages our gift shop, oversees camping reservations en masse, serves as administrative assistant, and handles all programming in the Opera House. People truly have no idea what it takes to make all of this happen, and she does it well to boot. The Village would do well to recognize the priceless asset found in this woman.
Misty – Serving as our finance officer requires much more than anyone on the outside knows, and I appreciate her desire to maintain the details in clear, sensible ways. Misty brings to the position a sense of friendly calm. Partnering to do late night gate or cash reconciliation after a long, tiring event demands an even temperament, and it’s better yet if your accountant actually makes it pleasant. Misty delivers on both counts.
I’m deeply thankful for this crew, as they are the pulse of the Village. Please join me in saying thank you when you see them.