Stan Rauch, Manager
We are looking forward to an excellent Northern Bull Riding Tour event this Friday evening at the village. The Bierema Rodeo Company from White River, SD conducts the bull ride and they arrived on Tuesday to put the arena up. There’s a calcutta at 6:30 and the bull riding excitement commences at 7:00. The mechanical bull will be here to ride and the Madison Fire Department will have its fundraising beer tent. And it’s all part of the Chamber of Commerce’s Ag Appreciation initiative. This is an all-around family and community involvement event.
We just keep rolling with events every weekend during June and the next one up after the bull ride is the Prairie Village Variety Show on Sunday the 22nd at 7:00 pm in the opera house. A full schedule of 18 different performers have been lined up for the show. This is not a contest but an opportunity for performers to showcase their talent. This promises to be a fun and entertaining evening.
This week an attractive and durable floor covering was put in the new shower house. This will enhance an already nice facility for our many campers.
A recent major development was the decision by the family of the late Gerrit Havelaar of Hudson, SD to have his half scale working model 1931 Avery threshing machine, 1930 15-30 McCormick tractor, wagon and hay rack on display at Prairie Village on a long term loan basis. This fascinating equipment was displayed at various threshing and ag related shows, including Prairie Village, for decades.
We are certainly pleased that the family has chosen the village as the desired location for it for years in the future. They are providing all of the building materials for a new 20 by 30 foot building to be constructed that will house and display the machinery. This will be a wonderful addition to our presentation of agricultural history at the village.