Prairie Village News 06/01/2012

Stan Rauch, Manager

We have two major projects that are currently under way here at the village. For years we have been working towards getting the restoration of the living quarters of the Chapel Car Emmanuel completed. It is now firmly on its way to becoming a reality as the work has been in progress since mid-March. Peter Ingham, a highly skilled detail carpenter, was hired to do the job. Money from previous fund raisers and a matching grant awarded from the South Dakota State Historical Society through the Deadwood Fund will help us complete this vitally important restoration project.

Another railroad related project that we have been wanting to do for the past several years is to get one of our steam locomotives back in operation, specifically #29. It is now on track to becoming an exciting reality due to a donation of $65,000 from an extremely generous donor. The work has been proceeding smoothly and is being accomplished by Wrigley Machine of Fargo, North Dakota.

In early May the railroad track at the gift shop gate was raised which alleviates the previous problem of some of the larger camping units dragging bottom at that location.

With the presence of good weather in March, major preservation work on the “red shed”, one of the first buildings at Prairie Village, was accomplished. It now has completely new metal roofing, siding and doors. Overall, we have a lot going on with regard to improvement projects associated with the buildings, grounds and other facilities.

Now in its 6th year at Prairie Village, the Northern Bull Riding Tour is coming up soon on Friday, June 8. There’s a calcutta at 6:30 and then the bull riding at 7:00. Tickets at the gate are $12 for adults and $5 for ages 6-12. You can ride the mechanical bull and the Madison Fire Department will be there with its beer tent, and food will be available too. Directly supported by the Madison Chamber of Commerce’s Ag Committee, the Bull Ride is a poplular community involvement event. Come on out to the village next Friday for lots of bull riding excitement. .