New Building Completed at Prairie Village

By Elisa Sand Madison Daily Leader Staff Reporter
June 28, 2011

A new bathroom and shower house got plenty of use this past weekend at Prairie Village. Prairie Village Manager Stan Rauch said the new facility was completed Thursday, just in time for the Motongator Joe”s Country Music Festival.

The facility was made possible through an $80,000 donation from Harold and Helen Boer of Lyons, who have been long-time supporters of Prairie Village. Rauch said the new facility was designed by the Boers and not only features additional restroom facilities and showers, but also a new tractor registration area.

“It really is a very nice building”, Rauch said. “We are immensely grateful for their complete donation of the shower house. The new shower house will have immense positive impacts for years to come”. The tractor registration office is incorporated into the south end of the building.

Construction of the building began in May and was completed by Gepperts Construction of Crooks, a contractor hired by the Boers for the project.