Home Baked Pie Contest

Our pie contest is an annual event held in conjunction with the Board of Directors’ Appreciation Supper.

There is no entry fee to enter the contest. Just ask for a registration form from the Prairie Village office at 605-256-3644, info@prairievillage.org, or download registration form here. Fill out the entry form and bring the completed form, along with your pie and a copy of your recipe, to the picnic shelter by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2024 for the judging that will begin at 3:30 p.m.  The judging is based on overall appearance, crust, flavor, and filling. The tie breaker points are for level of creativity, unusual or neat appearance, or use of ingredients. First place receives $75, 2nd place $30, and 3rd place $20.

For any further information, contact Virginia Heidelberger, Home Baked Pie Contest Coordinator, at 605-291-9683.